Speakers Bureau
NCPO maintains a Speakers’ Bureau assembled from experienced membership available to address state client protection initiatives like Insurance Payee Notification, Overdraft Notification, Random Audit Programs and best practices for Attorney Trust Accounting and Recordkeeping. NCPO would be delighted to speak before your fund trustees, your bar association, your court, and even your law schools.
Not sure if you can afford it? No problem! There are no speaker’s fees and NCPO will underwrite all travel expenses for its speakers.
Michael J. Knight, Sr.
Michael J. Knight is Executive Director and Counsel for the Lawyers'
Fund For Client Protection of the State of New York. Mr. Knight is a
1987 magna cum laude graduate of Niagara University and 1990 graduate from the Albany Law School of Union University. Mr. Knight had previously served as Counsel and Past President for the National Client Protection Organization, Inc. and is the co-author of the Appendix of CLE Materials (1999), and Client Protection Funds: A Bibliography of Selected Materials (1995, 1999, 2012, 2017).

Janet Green Marbley
Janet Green Marbley has been the Administrator of the Client Security Fund of the Supreme Court of Ohio since 1995. Janet is a former president of NCPO, and continues to serve that organization as a Director at Large. She is a former chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Client Protection and is a former chair of the ABA Advisory Commission on Client Protection. Janet is a member of the ABA House of Delegates. She is a frequent speaker at ABA forums and NCPO workshops. Janet serves on the Advisory Board of the Miller-Becker Institute for Professional Responsibility at the University of Akron School of Law.

Michael T. McCormick
Michael T. McCormick first joined the New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection in May 1990 and currently serves as its Director. He has served as counsel in hundreds of claims and is committed to the Fund’s role as “The Conscience of the Bar.” As NCPO’s president-elect and newsletter editor, Mike welcomes the opportunity to speak to your group about the great work being done by client protection funds across the country. He is a regular presenter at ABA forums, specializing in sessions on “difficult claims” which discuss the most challenging fact patterns and scenarios confronting client protection funds and how to address the needs of claimant victims.